“I have referred Comfort Chiropractic patients to Tim Hackett for several years. His enthusiasm and dedication to the wellness of his patients is a joy. When my chiropractic patients receive massage therapy from Tim, I find that their bodies respond to their adjustments quickly and efficiently. My patients report that Tim is professional, educated, and informative. His interactions with me, personally and professionally, support that.
I highly recommend Tim. I support him wholeheartedly and am grateful for our collaborative efforts.”
“After years of suffering from stress-related back pain, Tim has made that pain disappear. Since I sit at the computer all day long, he has helped me work on posture and exercises to mitigate strain and pain related to my work environment. Additionally, whenever any of my muscles become tight, his careful attention to that particular area will alleviate that tightness.
Tim listens to my physical complaints and is very responsive to my particular needs and concerns.”
“I came to Tim for the first time with a very painful and debilitating thigh muscle injury incurred while training for the sport of Olympic-style weightlifting. He saw me within hours and his weekly treatments had me training within a couple of days and fully recovered and better than ever in less than three weeks. This is a phenomenal recovery rate for a 53-year-old weightlifter.
Additionally, his therapy cut my workout recovery time in half.”
“I was sent to Tim Hackett by my chiropractor. I had suffered severe tightening of muscles in my thigh, caused by sitting at a computer for hours at a time, which resulted in great pain in my knees and back. Tim understood the situation immediately, and by supplementing chiropractic work with deep-tissue massage therapy, we were able to reverse the damage I had done. Tim also showed me stretching exercises and recommended software that reminds me to take stretch breaks every hour.
As a result, I have not had a recurrence of this painful situation. I continue to see Tim frequently for maintenance and because I love the massages!”
“I have been seeing Tim about once a month for over a year, and even though I have moved to the other side of town, I continue to see him. I have had at least 10 different massage therapists in the past, and Tim has been the most comprehensive and detail-oriented.
He is very in-tune with his clients and encourages them to be in-tune with themselves.”
“When I first saw Tim in January 2004, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and was in constant pain. I would awaken in the middle of the night with terrible leg cramps. I could hardly get out of bed in the mornings because of the pain. The muscles in my back and shoulders were in knots, and I was on several medications for pain. After three months of intense Deep Tissue massage, I have a much greater range of motion, and my constant pain is a thing of the past. I am totally off the pain medication.
With Tim’s help and the help of a chiropractor, he recommended I have become almost pain-free, and I have a much greater range of motion.”