Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release Therapy is an extremely effective hands-on technique that applies gentle, sustained pressure to eliminate pain and restore flexibility and motion to the fascia. This is a densely woven sheath of connective tissue that interpenetrates and “houses” every muscle, bone, vein, nerve, and internal organ, including the spinal cord.

A good visualization is a spider web that, in effect, holds everything together in a neat package, connecting every part of the body to every other part of the body. Another commonly used analogy is pantyhose. When you stretch one end or part, the entire fabric stretches.

I had the tremendous fortune to study Myofascial Release with the legendary Wolfgang Luckman, a pioneer in the field of massage and bodywork, and a master instructor for over 35 years.

Increased range of motion

In its natural, healthy state, the fascia is relaxed and can stretch and move without undue restriction. If there has been physical trauma to the body or scarring, the normally pliable fascia becomes tight and restricted, causing tension throughout the rest of the body. Poor posture and improper body mechanics can also damage muscle and fascia. This condition is sometimes referred to as Myofascial Pain Syndrome.

Many people suffering from pain or reduced range of motion may have fascial problems. These cases often go undiagnosed because many standard tests, such as x-rays, myelograms, CAT scans, electromyography, etc., do not show the fascial restrictions. Treatment by traditional Western medicine is often ineffective.

A large body of scholarly research supports the efficacy of complementary medicine, such as massage and acupuncture, in treating myofascial pain.