Sports Massage

Sports Massage is a special form of massage typically used before, during, and after athletic events. The purpose of the massage is to prepare the body for peak performance, reduce fatigue, relieve swelling, reduce muscle tension, promote flexibility, and prevent future injuries.

The function of Sports Massage Therapy is to help alleviate the stress and tension that builds up in the body’s soft tissues during physical activity.

Where minor injuries and lesions occur due to overexertion or overuse, massage can break them down quickly and effectively. This can help prevent those nagging injuries that hinder performance and achievement, whether a person is a competitive athlete, a once-a-week jogger, or a weekend warrior.

Sports Massage reduces muscle fatigue and recovery time by encouraging oxygen and blood flow to muscle fibers. This increases the range of motion and enhances muscle endurance, both aiding in preventing injury.

As a final bonus,Sports Massage helps the athlete work out those kinks and soreness from training which feels good!

All types of athletes

Sports Massage is not just for competitive athletes. Whether the person is a competitive athlete, weekend warrior, or a couch potato, sports massage can help alleviate common muscular injuries and pain and increase range of motion.