NeuroMuscular Reprogramming
Jocelyn Olivier, a Master Bodyworker with over 40 years of professional experience, created NeuroMuscular Reprogramming (NMR). Based on years of research and observation, Jocelyn noticed that a primary shortcoming of traditional Physical Therapy is that it tries to strengthen a muscle that has been damaged by injury, surgery or misuse.
The most common complaint of PT patients is that they cannot do the exercises, at least not without substantial pain. That is because the brain cannot find that muscle and must compensate by recruiting other muscles. This creates an improper and unbalanced system that is bound to fail. NMR teaches an inhibited muscle to work independently by removing the obstructions that currently prevent it from working.
I love to work in coordination with your Physical Therapist. The PT can use modalities that Massage Therapists cannot like electro stimulation and Dry Needling. I supplement the work the PT does and enhance it by adding NMR, Deep Tissue and PNF stretching to increase both the strength and range of motion of any group of muscles or joints.
When the body endures trauma, there is damage to both the soft tissues and the neuromuscular programs that govern alignment, movement and postural support. Dysfunctional movement patterns impressed onto the motor control center at the time of injury do not change simply because the tissue heals. This also occurs with slower forms of trauma like repetitive use injuries and atrophies due to inactivity.
NMR is a kinesthetic conversation with the motor control center of the brain that facilitates new learning, in effect, reprogramming damaged or inefficient muscle use patterns. Simply stated, NMR teaches the body to work properly by showing it how!
Specific muscle testing.
NMR uses specific muscle testing. This is the Therapist’s way of asking the body “Does this muscle work or not?” This conscious connection to the muscles reveals how the interrelated parts move and feel coordinated with each other. Even those with an underdeveloped “mind/body connection” can feel the immediate improvement in neuromuscular connectivity because they actively participate in the corrections and connections being made. Once “turned on,” NMR locks in positive use patterns, when properly used post treatment.
NMR also addresses the phenomena of “expected pain,” where a client expects to feel pain even if none truly exists because they have experienced pain in that area before. Once released, the NMR Therapist teaches the brain the new, fuller range of motion by repeatedly moving through that range of motion. Once the brain recognizes the new pattern, it allows and enjoys the new movement.
Much of Jocelyn’s work is founded on the science of Neuroplasticity, which states that the brain is malleable and adaptable. We can learn bad habits so, by definition, we can also learn good habits. We can explore pain patterns and determine if they are still legitimate or if it is an old, incorrect signal. The primary muscle I work on in a session is the Brain!